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Showing posts from March, 2008


I-Witness celebrates its 9th anniversary with stories about OFWs around the world

Watch out for the first documentary in celebration of I-Witness' 9th anniversary. Its title is FROM KOREA WITH LOVE by Sandra Aguinaldo . I just read the teaser through an e-mail and I'll surely watch the docu tonight. It's about Filipino couples in Korea, who, instead of sending chocolates and imported clothes to their relatives here in the Philippines, actually send home BABIES so that their stay in Korea won't be threatened. Their babies are sent through what Sandra reveals as BIYAHERAS. This is interesting...

I can't believe it

I'm teaching students how to write professionally-done papers and I'm always telling students not to plagiarize. I believe that students and professionals in the academe should not resort to any form of plagiarism. For many times, I failed a student who submitted plagiarized papers. I told myself, " I have zero tolerance on plagiarism ." After all, I am a JOurnalism graduate. I was trained to write, not to plagiarize. Now, I have a dilemma here. I got an e-mail yesterday congratulating me for being accepted as one of their writers. I actually have forgotten that I applied a couple of months ago... It should be good news! The thing is, the company is an essay store online ! I wanna write. Really. In fact, I already have visited the ORDERS section to check if I could get some orders or some papers to write. I actually found one and the main book or reference the customer is referring to is right on my book shelf (I borrowed it from the library a couple of week...