I was still in school when I received a call early this night. It was a phone interview with Teletech located somewhere in San Fernando. The interviewer told me that I applied as Accent and Conversation English Trainer. I thought of it for a little while, then I realized, yeah, perhaps I did apply. I actually didn't remember applying but I guess I did. After several minutes of on-the-spot interview, the person in the other line asked me if I could possibly start work by August 11. That question made me stop and do some reflections. Can I do that? Am I ready to leave this school this soon? I know I wanted so much to get out of this system. This is the reason I applied to several companies to the point of forgetting where and when and for what position I applied for. All I wanted was to leave and find workplace somewhere. This is what my heart tells me every single day that I go to school. Every time I walk on its ground, I wonder if my feet are on the right track. ...