Camerlengo: (to Robert Langdon)
Do you believe in God?
Robert Langdon:
I'm an academician.
My mind tells me I will not understand God.
My heart says I am not meant to.
Faith is a gift I have yet to receive.
I have been wondering how it feels to be standing at the Sistine Chapel. I mean, can our physical presence at the holy place strengthen our belief in God? While watching ANGELS AND DEMONS, I was thinking if the cardinals and even the Pope himself knows exactly what God is like. I wonder if being in this holy place will bring us closer to God which most Catholic believe in. Robert Langdon must be right: FAITH IS A GIFT. Undeniably, not all receive such a gift.
Personally, I don't really believe in the God that most people project to know. But in my heart, I feel that there is SOMEONE who knows me like no one else does. I can feel that Someone powerful must have caused things in my life be put in their proper places. I'm just not sure if the God that I know is the same God most Catholic project to be their savior.
Maybe this is the reason I once dreamed of standing in the middle of the Sistine Chapel -- perhaps to find out if such a holy place can bring me closer to that Someone who never fails to guide me.